pet is life
  • You are shock after hearing answer if you are thinking can dog and cat coexist together, yes under the right conditions, many cats and dogs can live together in perfect harmony, now I know you are eager to know how ? 
  • If you adopt a puppy and kitten at the same time in small age and raised together, they will learn right thing and understand each other some dogs and cats grow to be real friends.
  • As kittens and pups they don’t fight each other and tend to form a strong bond, they even playing and napping together but if dog is already present as a house member and new cat is going to be join your family it should be little bit difficult so, should know how to introduce cat ?
  • Large size of dog can not stay together with small size of cat so, One thing you should keep in your mind that not all type of breed of dog and cat can coexist together you have to do research and find out a right breed .