- Parvo virus infection is one of the common disease occur in dogs so every pet owners and breeders should know about it.
- Parvo virus is highly contagious viral disease of dogs. It causes an infectious gastro intestinal illness in Mostly puppy of 4 to 6 month age and unvaccinated dogs, but sometimes it can also seen in vaccinated dogs but chances are very less.
- It is spread by direct contact with infected dogs and contact with contaminated faces and environments. The virus can also contaminate kennel surfaces, food and water bowls, collars so when other dog come in contact with this may also get infected with parvo.
what are the symptoms?
- Fever in initial days, Bloody diarrhoea, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Bloating, Weakness, In appetence and severe dehydration.
- If you notice this type of symptoms in your puppy take him to vet as early as possible.
Diagnosis and Treatment
- Vet may Diagnose it based on history, clinical symptoms, laboratory test and Nower days rapid parvovirus detection kit is available.
- If your puppy get infection their is no specific drug is available to kill parvo Virus, treatment is intended to keep support dogs immune system so it will fight off the viral infection.
- In treatment efforts to correct dehydration so vet may give fluid and electrolyte therapy, control diarrhoea, vomition and for prevention of secondary bacterial infection antibiotics are given.
- Treatment is going to be expensive, early recognition and proper treatment survival rates is higher but in older cases dogs may die within 48 to 72 hours.
How to prevent ?
- Vaccinationand good hygiene is must to prevent parvo viral infection.
- Pet owner should be ensure that their dog’s parvo virus vaccinationis up to date.
- Until dog receive vaccination take them with caution at those area where lots of dogs are congregated.(kennel club, grooming house, hospital etc.)
- Parvo virus is highly contagious so quarantine of the infected dog and proper clean-up of the environment are especially important.
- Do not let your puppy or dog come into contact with parvo virus infected & unvaccinated dogs.
- Proper disposal of faecal or vomitus waste is important step to prevent spreading of infection.